Catherine of Siena

A Sacred Covenant of Caring for the Sick

Book Cover: Catherine of Siena
ISBN: 978-1623110420
Pages: 240

Author:  Mary Elizabeth O'Brien, O.P.

Description from Amazon:
Saint Catherine of Siena has long been considered the patroness of those who minister to the ill and the infirm. Nevertheless, many biographies of the saint pay only minimal attention to Catherine’s care of the ailing. Catherine of Siena: A Sacred Covenant of Caring for the Sick reveals the breadth and the beauty of the saint’s tender and compassionate care for those who are ill. The book documents the life of a courageous young Dominican tertiary for whom no task of caregiving was distasteful or burdensome. Catherine was both mystic and minister; her secret was that she saw in each ailing neighbor the personification of Christ, her beloved spouse. Saint Catherine’s 14th century care for the sick, carried out in the home, the hospital, the prison and the community, provides inspiration and guidance for contemporary ministers to the sick. She is an inspiring example for all who minister to the ill within the contemporary healthcare environment.
