The History of St. Dominic

Founder of the Friars Preachers

Book Cover: The History of St. Dominic
ISBN: 978-1331688716
Pages: 522

Author:  Augusta Theodosia Drane

Description from Amazon:
A compendium of the Life of St. Dominic and of the history of his Order was published by the present writer about thirty-four years ago. This volume having long been out of print, it has been thought desirable to supply its place with a more complete history of the Saint than it was possible to attempt within the limits of the former publication. In doing so, passages from the earlier biography have been freely reprinted whenever this was found convenient; nevertheless, such extensive corrections and enlargements have been introduced into the present volume as render it a new and distinct work.

The reader who enters on the study of the Life of St. Dominic, needs to be reminded of the period of history to which it belongs.
